Sex With The Lights On:
Desire Edition
Hosted by Authentic Marriages
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Desire is a key element in a satisfying sexual relationship. But why does it seem so difficult to get on the same page about sex? You may wonder why your partner wants sex more often than you do. Or you may be concerned that your partner doesn’t want sex enough. These questions can feel daunting and frustrating. We’ll discuss this important issue of desire and answer questions like:
- Why can’t we get on the same page about sex in our relationship?
- What are some of the blocks that are preventing us from tapping into desire?
- Are there any ways we can increase sex drive?
- How do we communicate about sex and desire?
Join us to shed some light on how you can overcome the differences, communicate effectively, and infuse desire into your relationship. Your registration includes take home tips and activities to help explore desire and energize your date nights!